LAPD investigating Brad Pitt for child abuse Published By Alexandra Heilbron on Sep 22, 2016

Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and their childrenA violent incident that occurred on a private plane last Wednesday was the trigger for the divorce between Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, according to a report by TMZ.

A witness, either a staff member on the plane or someone on the tarmac once the plane landed, reported to authorities that Brad was intoxicated and yelling at his kids. He was also reportedly "getting physical" with them, which prompted the witness to contact the L.A. County Dept. of Children and Family Services.

When the plane landed, Brad couldn't stop screaming and tried leaving in one of the fuel trucks. Following the incident, both Brad and Angelina were interviewed by DCFS and there are plans for the children to be interviewed as well. The LAPD is also now involved in the investigation, which is ongoing.

Angelina reportedly removed her children away from Brad the next day -- court documents show she listed the day of separation as Sept. 15, 2016 -- and filed for divorce this past Monday.

TMZ spoke to a source close to Brad, who said the actor denies abusing his children, saying he is taking the matter very seriously and is concerned that "people involved" are "continuing to present him in the worst possible light." ~Alexandra Heilbron

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Comments & Discussion

  • VidalSassoon - 9/22/2016 9:43:04 AM
    This is way messier than I thought it was going to be. Their PR people have probably left the country by now.
  • Mallory - 9/22/2016 10:45:44 AM
    VidalSassoon Lol agreed whomp whomp
  • john - 9/22/2016 11:28:08 AM
    wow, Brad looks so laid back, i woulnt have expected this. anjie needs to keep the kids safe
  • mack - 9/22/2016 12:45:22 PM
    maybe he just said NO to one of the kids.....
  • CandyPerfumeGirl - 9/22/2016 12:50:44 PM
    No wonder he's driven to drink...
  • Kris - 9/22/2016 1:06:33 PM
    LAPD has indicated they are not investigating him....
  • Bystander - 9/22/2016 1:53:36 PM
    Don't forget that Angelina is a well-oiled, savvy PR pro. When Brad cheated on Jennifer, it was her team that made it look like it was Jennifer's fault for not wanting kids.
  • Lorraine - 9/22/2016 2:01:40 PM
    There is more to this story and I don't believe this happened. Brad isn't a bully by nature,I think somebody exaggerated whatever happened.
  • Crystal - 9/22/2016 3:47:39 PM
    Please people...leave this couple alone. Their situation is tragic enough without digging up or making up a lot of dirt and b..s... Think of the kids and stop this "reporting". Its disgusting!!
  • Belinda - 9/22/2016 5:01:56 PM
    They may be asking about intoxication as a routine part of a complaint made by a third party to Child Protective Services. It would not surprise me if making the other party, ie Brad Pitt, look bad, is some divorce lawyers strategy, to obtain full custody for Angelina. She obviously has been talking to divorce lawyers before she filed for divorce. Sad, but it happens everyday.
  • Anton Piers - 9/22/2016 5:11:05 PM
    Never, ever would I have imagined this........I mean a divorce over 'supposed' child abuse. I don't think Brad is capable of that and if he were, could not things be amended? He's never shown a violent side in the past! I do believe there are other issues in the pot!!!! No one is pointing fingers, but could Marion Cotillard be a part of all this?
  • MeanE. - 9/22/2016 11:21:28 PM
    Your right Crystal. These people are talking like they know Brad and Angelina so well. Divorce is not a good thing for anyone involved. All of you busy bodies need to leave them alone and take care it doesn't happen to you.
  • Robert - 9/23/2016 12:55:59 AM
    Jolie lawyer is the same one representing Amber in her divorce from Dep...... Coincidence????
  • april - 9/23/2016 3:14:28 AM
    I think is a made up story so people will feel sorry for jolie. Don't believe it for a minute jolie is just trying to get all the women to say she should the kids. No way fight Pitt fight don't let this happen. I understand her not wanting him to the children she adopted before he was with her, but his blood children not a chance. Pitt has never been violent before if he was jolie caused it fighting with him on the plane doing something who knows. We do know jolie knows how to work the press and we have one unknown source and only one side of what happened
  • JOE - 9/23/2016 9:26:25 AM
    Hey, who hasn't yelled at their kids at one time in their life. I have nothing but love for Brad and his family. He was just having a bad day. We will never know the real story. I'll stick to sending them all loving thoughts and pass on the other crap that the media puts out. Peace be with you Brad and your family at this time. Love you lots! :-)
  • Kaney - 9/24/2016 8:44:39 PM
    This is not a shock, more like an "AT LAST". Jolie won a Supporting Actress Oscar some years ago for her part in Girl, Interrupted. The character she played then was almost exactly her in real life. Check out definition of "Borderline Personality Disorder". Jolie has had one failed movie project after another and she is a control freak. I don't believe her humanitarianism is altruistic either but a vehicle to give her the profile she can't get as an actress or director. Her well publicized surgeries, removal of ovaries not to forget her double mastectomy and a very soon after double reconstruction giving her significantly larger boobs should have been private issues. No surprise that she would paint Brad as the cause of the family crisis. I am sure he will soon feel the relief of not being under the same roof as the Control Freak. Hopefully the kids get through this with no new scars and love from both parents without their mother splitting them from Brad Pscars

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