Wednesday, April 17, 11:46:58 PM

An equally beautiful but also brutal movie depicting a real life (with some dramatic additions). Acting is superb and very convincing. Why do we keep hurting each other?

Sunday, February 25, 03:09:52 AM

Chilling but also beautiful and encouraging movie, certainly would have deserved an Oscar at least. Very pleasant but also more than that very painful to watch in several aspects. Unfortunately, it seems that in many parts of the world (including this one), we are getting back to the point where we judge people not by who they are and what they’ve accomplished, but by their superficial appearance and heritage or where they came from. We can do better than that…

Friday, September 29, 12:44:30 AM

Impressive movie about a Jewish boy in Poland, escaping from the Warsaw Ghetto and trying to survive by disguising as a "normal" Polish boy, encountering people who truly care and those who’d betray him. It’s based on a true story and as such (mostly) accurate. Great performance by the Tkacz twins in the leading role, along with the supporting cast. Rainer Bock as the SS officer in charge is absolutely creepy, but spares Jurek’s life in a moody decision. The turn towards the end feels a bit brutal, one would have hoped there’d be a less traumatic way to remind Jurek/Srulik who he is and allow him a more active role in deciding his future. Anyway, a really memorable movie that leaves you thinking.